Fees for Services

Many people ask how Towel & Basin’s ministries are funded and what fees are charged, or honoraria expected, for services. We are pleased to provide this information and hope it will be helpful.

The ministry of Towel & Basin, Inc. is funded through three primary sources: contributions, revenue from products, and fees for services. We receive no funds from any government agency, and our budget is not guaranteed by any local church or denomination.


Individual and church donors contribute in various ways. Some choose to make monthly, quarterly or annual gifts. Others give to specific projects in which they have interest or help collect special offerings of unrestricted gifts. Contributions to Towel & Basin are deductible to the extent provided by law. Please consult with your tax advisor. You may make donations online simply and securely.


Towel & Basin offers resources for leadership and organizational development, spiritual formation, and inspirational music programs. All the net proceeds from the sale of these products help fund Towel & Basin’s ministries. You can find information about our current resources online here.

Fees for Service

Services are offered on a fee scale set by Towel & Basin’s Board of Directors. Often, we serve impoverished communities and smaller organizations that are able to pay expenses only, or just a fraction of the fee. In these instances, we seek special donations from ministry partners to help make up the difference.

Church, educational institutions and organizations familiar with contracting for services find that Towel & Basin’s fee schedule is affordable and represents outstanding value for the experience and expertise provided. Fees for specific projects (e.g., writing) are quoted at competitive market rates. Other services are offered on an hourly or daily basis. We will be happy to provide a quote tailored to your particular interests. Please contact us with your request.

All these funding sources--contributions, revenues from product sales, and fees for services--go to Towel & Basin, Inc., a not for profit corporation. Board members serve without remuneration and no fees or revenues collected go directly to staff. The Board of Directors establishes and manages an operational budget.